Beer Terms Defined
Ever wondered what all those beer acronyms mean? Let us explain.
Original Gravity (O.G)
Is the specific gravity measured with a hydrometer, of the beer right after it was made but prior to fermentation. It gives an approximation of how much fermentable sugars have been extracted from the malted grains, and therefore an idea of how strong the final beer will be in terms of alcohol. It is expressed as a comparison to water at 20C, which has a specific gravity of 1000.
1030 – low
1050 – medium
over 1070 – high.
Final Gravity (F.G)
Is the specific gravity of the beer after fermentation. It is a measure of how “heavy” the beer is in terms of its taste and mouth-feel. Beers with high final F.G’s will generally be fuller on the palate than those with low F.G’s. By comparing O.G to F.G one can ascertain the amount of alcohol in the beer.
1007 – low (eg A light and refreshing lager or Pale Ale)
1015 – medium (eg. Stronger Ales and wheat beers),
1025 – high (eg. An Irish Stout)
Alcohol By Volume (A.B.V)
The amount of alcohol in the beer expressed as a percentage of volume.
2.5% – light
3.5% – mid
5% – full strength.
International Bittering Units (I.B.U)
Is a measurement of the bitterness of the beer that is based on the amount and strength of hops used in the recipe. Note that a higher IBU beer does not necessarily translate into a more ‘bitter’ beer as darker beers tend to carry some residual sweetness from the malt which balances out the bitterness.
For example our PBH Porter is our highest IBU beer, but because the Porter is a dark beer it does not taste as bitter as our Harris Bitter which is our bitterest beer.
< 20 – low
20-40 – medium bitterness
> 40 – high.
Standard Reference Method (S.R.M)
Is a colour rating of beers measured by using a photometer to measure the absorption of a specific wavelength of light through the beer.
0 – water 1-5 – light lagers and pilseners
5-20 – most Pale Ales 20-40 – Amber Ales
>40 – Porters and Stouts.
The large commercial breweries filter their beers routinely in order to provide the consumer with a crystal clear product. Unfortunately all that filtering comes at the cost of flavour. We normally don’t filter any of our beers that we serve direct from our tanks… We’d rather leave the full flavour in there, and you can see how it tastes direct from the brewery!